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Our Devices

For businesses, answering the following questions can be difficult. How do i accept payments? Do i need a tablet or smartphone? What hardware, software and security are best?

We have a wide variety of solutions for different industries and we are sure that we will find one that suits your needs

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T2 Mini  

T2 Mini is the ideal payment solution for a retail store looking for maximum flexibility and value.

This stand-alone payment device is feature-rich with Tap2-Pay, swipe and card insert options providing your customer with their preferred payment experience across multiple channels

T2 Edge 

T2 Edge the next evolution in payment devices. With a large screen, efficient hardware and a long lasting battery, it allows you to maximize your checkout speed and provide a more seamless customer experience.

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T2 Plus 

This sleek and compact device is the perfect way to accept payments anywhere and anytime. With its built-in printer, front and rear facing cameras, and QR codes you can easily process payment in a variety of ways

We Accept 

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